Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Kind of Man

If you are going to ask me ten years back of what my kind of man is, maybe there's no big difference to what I prefer now.

I wanted a tall, hopeless romantic and appreciative man when I was in high school. I guess I still want the same man with add-ons.

I have few serious crush right now. Mo Twister is on top of the list. Older, witty, humorous and sassy personality. What can I ask for? He may be short, but his heart is so huge it can't fit his chest. LOL. People find him arrogant and too straightforward. I find him sexy.

A colleague is giving me butterflies in my stomach. He is taken though. As if I mind. It's just a mere crush. His shoulders and biceps gives me goosebumps. Shallow but true. He is smart too. He is an inspiration and he makes my working day bearable.

Here is a list of what I want and adore:

A man of his word. A good man is someone honest and does not give you false hopes. He does not break any promises and if he does, he makes sure to make up for it.
A man with overdeveloped neurons. I can deal or be with a man who is way smart than a guy whos way good looking but erh.. uhm... nevermind.
Funny but I prefer a man who is articulate and can really speak in English so well. Nothing against guys who can't. I just love how we can converse in a really good manner. Easier to convey and music to my ears.

Someone who is a fast learner and who gets what I say in an instant. I hate repeating myself. It annoys me and triggers my bitchy hormones.

A man who is not so much into S-x. I don't wanna be lead on. Makes me feel like they are taking advantage of me.

A sweet and romantic man who still believes in chivalry. I guess it is because I still have a feminine (super) side who melts when it comes to sweet gestures.

Someone who can be really independent and not a mama's boy. It irritates me. I am independent so it should follow.

Someone who can pull off too many surprises.

A man who can deal with hormones in any way.

The most important thing would be a man who loves God in his own way.

I guess the whole idea of my dream man is kind of scarce in this generation. Who cares, I know God will give me the best that I deserve.

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